Friday, July 22, 2011

Totem Animals- Snake, Tiger, Tortoise and Whale.

In the ancient land of China, in the magical porcelain village of Jingdezhen, these totem animals emerged from the clay as if by themselves. These modern-day totem animals came to life during my artist residency in 2010. Each creature is hand-dipped in celadon glaze - the unique colour of Chinese empires, and made from exquisite white porcelain which allows light and energy to travel through it to the core of the totem
From the exotic Far East to the Wild West, incorporating animal totems into our lives has been a sacred practice for many people. Take one home and allow it to offer you its wisdom and guide your life in profound ways. By holding the totem animal in your hand and focusing your energy into its centre, you will charge the object’s power. Simply put it back on your window sill and let it do its work for you.

Look through the blog to see all 16 Totem Animals. $65 each, limited edition.

Snake Totem
The Spectacular Transformer
The mystical snake is enchanting indeed. Despite its delicate frame and jewel-like appearance, it is one of the most formidable creatures of the animal kingdom - if provoked! However it prefers to sleep on a rock in the sun looking awe-inspiring rather than bite its attackers. Enthusiastic for change and improvement, snakes seasonally shed their old skins to emerge as dazzling new creatures.
The snake totem’s energy will help you transit from the old, to the new and improved. Snake energy is what we draw upon to stimulate positive change, create something wonderful or reinvent yourself. Are you ready to transform your family, relationships, work or home? Brace yourself for the snake totem’s metamorphic power.

Tiger Totem
The Magnificent Hunter

The majestic tiger is a solitary hunter that embodies good health, fortitude and spirit. The tiger stalks its prey with great patience and skill rather than giving chase. It hunts in total silence as if it is invisible until it is ready to pounce, then it unleashes great power and energy.
The tiger totem’s energy is helpful if you are prone to distraction and lack of focus. The tiger can help you zero in on your goal and teaches us to act in a timely manner. Tiger energy teaches us to be in the moment and to search for inner harmony to be in the flow of the universe. Inner peace, concentration and will power are the keys to tiger totem wisdom.

Tortoise Totem
The Ancient Guru
The extraordinary tortoise is one of the longest living animals on earth, living for up to 150 years in its domed shell. Tortoises evolved before mammals, birds and most reptiles, hence this creature carries with it ancient evolutionary wisdom. These vegetarians are leisurely and methodical.
The tortoise totem’s energy teaches us an invaluable recipe for a long life. Tortoise energy reminds us to pull our heads in our shells in turbulent situations and to keep our thoughts simple and pure when our mind becomes chaotic. Tortoise tells you to eat your vegetables, sleep when your eyelids are heavy and exercise daily, to enjoy vitality and longevity.

Whale Totem
The Colossal Communicator

The enormous whale is the king of the sea. Due to its gargantuan size, its enemies are few. Whales migrate vast distances annually, all the while singing their own unique magical songs. Whales communicate with lyrical sounds and vibrations, which are both beautiful and mysterious.
The whale totem’s energy teaches us that there is ancient wisdom in expressing yourself non-verbally, as not everything you want to say can be said with words. The whale reminds us to communicate in alternative ways to talking, such as looking, touching, movement, song, dance and creative projects. The whale totem will help you whole-heartedly communicate with all the emotion and soul you have, in many different ways. 

Welcome to the Owl, Panda, Pig and Rabbit Totems

In the ancient land of China, in the magical porcelain village of Jingdezhen, these totem animals emerged from the clay as if by themselves. These modern-day totem animals came to life during my artist residency in 2010. Each creature is hand-dipped in celadon glaze - the unique colour of Chinese empires, and made from exquisite white porcelain which allows light and energy to travel through it to the core of the totem
From the exotic Far East to the Wild West, incorporating animal totems into our lives has been a sacred practice for many people. Take one home and allow it to offer you its wisdom and guide your life in profound ways. By holding the totem animal in your hand and focusing your energy into its centre, you will charge the object’s power. Simply put it back on your window sill and let it do its work for you.

Owl Totem

The Sacred Postman

The owl is the silent and swift hunter of the night. It is a solitary animal that has keen eyesight and exceptional hearing. It is the link between the dark unseen world and the world of light. Owls see in the dark. They are the deliverer of secrets and omens and reveal to us the things that we hadn’t seen. 
The owl totem’s energy reminds us to look into the darkness and get in touch with our psychic abilities. Owl energy tells us to trust our intuition and inner knowing and to see the truth beyond appearances. If you need help from the spirit world, call on the power of the owl to deliver the messages to you that you need.

Panda Totem
The Playful Harmoniser

The calm panda embodies Eastern philosophy with it’s black and white coat, like the yin and yang. The panda is a mild mannered creature and moves at a leisurely pace on the ground looking for bamboo shoots. It loves to playfully roll around for fun, and it climbs trees to sleep and contemplate the landscape.
The panda totem’s energy reminds us that both positive and negative energy exist in the world together and in harmony. There are lessons to be learnt from good and bad scenarios and both can be valuable life lessons. Panda energy is about respecting the cycles of life but avoiding getting attached to the ups. If drama prevails in your life, call upon the power of the panda to help you feel calm.

Pig Totem
The Profit Manifester

The lovable pig is an intelligent and resourceful animal that has a huge appetite for “more”. It is always on the lookout for food, sticking its nose into the ground and digging around for roots, tubers and truffles. Despite its reputation the pig is very organized, clean and is master of its domain.
The pig totem’s energy helps us seek out all of the hidden “truffles” in life, to give us an advantage in our ventures. Pig energy teaches us to utilize all of the mental, physical and emotional resources we have to benefit our life. A high energy and enterprising life is said to be the key to bring us wealth, success and power

Rabbit Totem
The Energized Magician

The crafty rabbit is an artful creature that lives its life with an  abundance of natural energy and the skill to make things happen fast - as if by magic! Rabbits are lightning-quick thinkers and they rely on their intuition to do all tasks extremely accurately and often in such creative ways.
The rabbit totem’s energy helps us tap in to our internal spring of raw energy. When you have a lot on your plate and time is slipping away, the rabbit will help invigorate your life and get tasks completed. The rabbit reminds us that with focus and many small steps we can move mountains. 

Totem Animals- Elephant, Fox, Koala and Monkey

In the ancient land of China, in the magical porcelain village of Jingdezhen, these totem animals emerged from the clay as if by themselves. These modern-day totem animals came to life during my artist residency in 2010. Each creature is hand-dipped in celadon glaze - the unique colour of Chinese empires, and made from exquisite white porcelain which allows light and energy to travel through it to the core of the totem
From the exotic Far East to the Wild West, incorporating animal totems into our lives has been a sacred practice for many people. Take one home and allow it to offer you its wisdom and guide your life in profound ways. By holding the totem animal in your hand and focusing your energy into its centre, you will charge the object’s power. Simply put it back on your window sill and let it do its work for you.

Read on to see all 16 animals that I made in China. $65 each. Limited edition.

Elephant Totem
The Royal Problem-Solver

The brilliant elephant is massive, regal and strong. It has few enemies as other animals are no match for its crushing strength or attitude. But the elephant is no brute. Its brain is large and well-developed and it has a keen intellect. It is a master at removing whatever obstacles and barriers  are in its way.
The elephant totem’s energy is for when we have a mental journey ahead of us that seems insurmountable. Elephant energy will help unblock us physically and emotionally to help us use our inner fortitude to push through any situation. Elephants will also aid us when we require confidence in our lives or patience to keep at a problem. Be it at school, job or project - call on the mighty power of the elephant.

Fox Totem
The Master Trickster

The clever fox is a keen observer, cunning planner and stealthy executioner. The ingenious fox often plays dead for long periods, lying in wait for tasty morsels to wander into its trap. Foxes have mastered the craft of invisibility - through gentleness, swiftness and camouflage. It knows how to play life’s games.
The fox totem’s energy tells us that there are times when it is wiser to hide our abilities and ambitions rather than let others know our plans. Foxes also remind us when and where to keep our mouth shut. Let the power of the fox teach you when to stand out and when to be invisible to maximize your life’s potential.

Koala Totem
The Balanced Mystic

The huggable koala lives a meditative life way up high where it views the world. It eats a simple diet of eucalyptus leaves and spends a lot of time snoozing and daydreaming. The koala is not only adorable; it is nimble, sturdy and balanced in the tree tops.
The koala totem’s energy helps us calm down and be at peace. Its energy brings us the power to stay in the treetops and avoid whatever chaos goes on below. Koala energy lifts us out of everyday concerns and reminds us to live by our higher beliefs, immersing ourselves in spirit as we go about our lives. When you need to forget about petty things, call on the power of the koala to help you rise above.

Monkey Totem
The Dynamic Savant

The athletic monkey is the master of vitality and movement as it seems to defy gravity with grace, rhythm and ease, effortlessly swinging from tree to tree. Monkeys have big brains, an abundance of energy, and an unparalleled intellect in the animal kingdom.
Monkey energy can be called upon when we need to understand a situation or move through a damaging environment rapidly. When a confusing or complex situation arises, call on the power of the monkey to swing you out of confusion into a fresh new outlook.

Introducing the first 4 beautiful porcelain Totem Animals from my artist residency

In the ancient land of China, in the magical porcelain village of Jingdezhen, these totem animals emerged from the clay as if by themselves. These modern-day totem animals came to life during my artist residency in 2010. Each creature is hand-dipped in celadon glaze - the unique colour of Chinese empires, and made from exquisite white porcelain which allows light and energy to travel through it to the core of the totem
From the exotic Far East to the Wild West, incorporating animal totems into our lives has been a sacred practice for many people. Take one home and allow it to offer you its wisdom and guide your life in profound ways. By holding the totem animal in your hand and focusing your energy into its centre, you will charge the object’s power. Simply put it back on your window sill and let it do its work for you.

Read on to see all 16 animals that I made in China. $65 each. Limited edition.

Bear Totem

The Independent Dreamer

The meditative bear is revered by shamans, mystics and visionaries. Bears are fiercely independent, having been blessed with intuitive survival skills in the face of adversity. They have the ability to find sustenance and comfort in barren landscapes. The bear hibernates for long periods of time in extreme seasons and in his deep sleep he is said to connect with the spirit world. 
The bear totem’s energy reminds us that by tuning into our true nature through introspection, solitude and dreaming, we too have the natural ability to find the right answers in the face of adversity. When you are feeling overwhelmed and bogged down by life around you, take some time out to dream during the day or night. Call on the power of the bear to help you.

Bull Totem

The Joy Protector

The handsome bull loves nothing more than to be content amongst his herd and chew grass all day long. But if he feels threatened, watch out! The bull has an unwavering ability to stand it’s ground in the face of danger. He will protect himself and his herd with everything he has.
The bull totem’s energy reminds us that our family, neighbours and community are important, and that love and contentment with them are worth fighting for. All work and no play is an unbalanced life. When you feel like you need to sharpen your horns and stand your ground in your life to protect your social time, call on the power of the bull.

Cat Totem

The Happiness Hunter

The enchanting cat is a highly independent creature that knows how to take care of itself and do the things that makes it purr. They love to be at our feet or on our laps, but only when they are ready for our attention, and not a moment before. Cats may be fluffy and cute on the outside, but they will lash out at anything that tries to force it to do something that is not to its pleasure.
The cat totem’s energy reminds us that the aim of life is to enjoy ourselves and have fun! Cats prompt us to be protective of our own time, energy and resources. When life is pulling us in many directions, the cat demands that nobody can tell us what to do. When you feel external forces encroaching into your life, give them all an assertive swipe with the power of the cat and do what makes you happy guilt free!

Dog Totem

The Emotional Healer

The adorable dog always offers us its unconditional love and companionship. It has infinite devotion and is by our side always. The dog has unquestioning loyalty and loves its master no matter what. If you are feeling under the weather, it will stay by your side and protect you from danger until you are well.
The dog totem’s energy is there for us when we have psychological wounds from the past that need healing so we can move forward. Dog’s remind us that the best remedy to our own problems is to put others first. Dog energy prompts us to love others unconditionally and to be there for them. If you are aching emotionally and want some loyal friends to comfort you, call on the power of the dog.