Friday, July 22, 2011

Introducing the first 4 beautiful porcelain Totem Animals from my artist residency

In the ancient land of China, in the magical porcelain village of Jingdezhen, these totem animals emerged from the clay as if by themselves. These modern-day totem animals came to life during my artist residency in 2010. Each creature is hand-dipped in celadon glaze - the unique colour of Chinese empires, and made from exquisite white porcelain which allows light and energy to travel through it to the core of the totem
From the exotic Far East to the Wild West, incorporating animal totems into our lives has been a sacred practice for many people. Take one home and allow it to offer you its wisdom and guide your life in profound ways. By holding the totem animal in your hand and focusing your energy into its centre, you will charge the object’s power. Simply put it back on your window sill and let it do its work for you.

Read on to see all 16 animals that I made in China. $65 each. Limited edition.

Bear Totem

The Independent Dreamer

The meditative bear is revered by shamans, mystics and visionaries. Bears are fiercely independent, having been blessed with intuitive survival skills in the face of adversity. They have the ability to find sustenance and comfort in barren landscapes. The bear hibernates for long periods of time in extreme seasons and in his deep sleep he is said to connect with the spirit world. 
The bear totem’s energy reminds us that by tuning into our true nature through introspection, solitude and dreaming, we too have the natural ability to find the right answers in the face of adversity. When you are feeling overwhelmed and bogged down by life around you, take some time out to dream during the day or night. Call on the power of the bear to help you.

Bull Totem

The Joy Protector

The handsome bull loves nothing more than to be content amongst his herd and chew grass all day long. But if he feels threatened, watch out! The bull has an unwavering ability to stand it’s ground in the face of danger. He will protect himself and his herd with everything he has.
The bull totem’s energy reminds us that our family, neighbours and community are important, and that love and contentment with them are worth fighting for. All work and no play is an unbalanced life. When you feel like you need to sharpen your horns and stand your ground in your life to protect your social time, call on the power of the bull.

Cat Totem

The Happiness Hunter

The enchanting cat is a highly independent creature that knows how to take care of itself and do the things that makes it purr. They love to be at our feet or on our laps, but only when they are ready for our attention, and not a moment before. Cats may be fluffy and cute on the outside, but they will lash out at anything that tries to force it to do something that is not to its pleasure.
The cat totem’s energy reminds us that the aim of life is to enjoy ourselves and have fun! Cats prompt us to be protective of our own time, energy and resources. When life is pulling us in many directions, the cat demands that nobody can tell us what to do. When you feel external forces encroaching into your life, give them all an assertive swipe with the power of the cat and do what makes you happy guilt free!

Dog Totem

The Emotional Healer

The adorable dog always offers us its unconditional love and companionship. It has infinite devotion and is by our side always. The dog has unquestioning loyalty and loves its master no matter what. If you are feeling under the weather, it will stay by your side and protect you from danger until you are well.
The dog totem’s energy is there for us when we have psychological wounds from the past that need healing so we can move forward. Dog’s remind us that the best remedy to our own problems is to put others first. Dog energy prompts us to love others unconditionally and to be there for them. If you are aching emotionally and want some loyal friends to comfort you, call on the power of the dog.

1 comment:

Sheila Man said...

Oh my god!! Georgia!! They are so cuteee!!!! I love them, Sheila.