Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SF Museum of Modern Art- SFMOMA

This is the lobby of the modern art museum.

This is an exhibition of the industrial designer who was a leading mastermind in the idea of minimalism in industrial design. He pushed the idea that form and function should be equal and that the design of a product should not over sell the actual skill of product. He designed products for Braun and later influenced the designers of Muji and Apple (both of whom are some of my faves).

This is a thought board for brain-full spectators can sit down and relax and and reflect on their experience in the art gallery with a pencil and a piece of paper. The gallery then displays the noteworthy ones. Tres-cool.

YEAH a Duchamp. Possibly even THE most Duchampian of the Duchamp's.

A Magritte.

 Warhol, self portrait.

My first time seeing a Frida Kahlo. Wowsers.

A Matisse...lovely Matisse.

Maholy-Nagy, one of my FAVOURITES of all time.