Tuesday, April 16, 2013

AGDA Poster Bienniale Submission for UNICEF- "A mothers life is precious"

Here is my poster submission for the Australian Graphic Design Awards. The poster was in conjunction with UNICEF and was to the theme "A mothers life is precious". 

My concept was based on generic shape of a mother, in this case a matryoshka doll, showing that all women are equal in importance. Then each of the matryoshka dolls was tailored to suit each of the continents on the planet. They were then arranged in a love heart shape. I wanted the poster to communicate with people from all nationalities whether they could read or not.

Here were the specs:

Entrants are invited to be inspired and interpret this theme in any way they wish. Worldwide 287,000 mothers die each year. Over the timespan of the Australian Poster Biennale, that’s more than 500,000 mothers.
The majority of these deaths happen in the developing world and happen because of inequalities in the standards and conditions of women’s lives. Improvements to reduce maternal deaths, and maternal health in general, can be made if all women were educated, families could earn fair and adequate incomes, communities had access to clean, safe water, access to healthy food, stable living conditions, reasonable standards of hygiene and easy access to basic health services.

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