Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Contracting before expanding

Sometimes our lives contract before they expand. I can feel mine doing it at the moment. I am aware that I am in the middle of shifting from one stage to another in my artistic life. I have spent the last couple of years growing, studying, learning and absorbing. I feel full to the eye balls with inspiration, and grumpy that there is never enough time spent in the studio! Hopefully if I get to go to China then I will have 2 months solidly in a fully equipped workshop.

I was starting to feel a little discouraged at my lack of output the last few months, as there has definitely been a lack of progress. Now I realise the progress has been internal. Sometimes this is simply the way life works. The contraction and expansion of the inner and outer world. Like a catapillar that confines itself to a tiny cocoon before it grows wings and flies, I am experiencing the darkness of the potent cocoon.

I need surrender to the experience, so that I can move through the tightness and into the opening on the other side quickly. So many ideas, just need to make the time to create. My old foe- the delicate life/ work balancing act.

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