Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Camera Hog

I have been trying to get some quick snaps of my handmade goodies for Bowerbird Bazaar (this weekend friends!) and my kitty cat keeps jumping in front of the camera! What a little camera hog. So naughty! I think he loves to be in the limelight, unlike his mother.
He does the same thing when guests come over, he jumps on their laps and purrs in their faces to distract the conversation. He also loves to walk across my computer keyboard when I am trying to do check my emails, and he sits on my books when I am trying to study Chinese.  Funny Bubba, he makes me laugh so much.....
So now to try to work out how best to pack these flower treasures... they are made of porcelain and painted with underglaze. These samples were made with the plan to develop them into some jewellery, however they are so beautiful just the way they are that I think I will just sell them as object'du arts.
I don’t really want to part with these as they have been on the window ledge of my studio for a year now, inspiring my jewellery creations, however I wont have any room in my studio to make new things if I don’t let go of the old things. Oh the internal tug-o-war being a hoarder.
See you at Bowerbird!

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